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Yury Iglesias

Our history

My name is Yury Iglesias, wife and mother of 4 children, graduated with a degree in business administration in my country El Salvador, where I had the opportunity to work in different private companies.
I emigrated to this country with my two oldest children in November 2017, in search of a better future for them. I started working as a house cleaner with my younger sister who already lived here and works independently; Over the months I became independent and thank God the work was going very well. In 2020 I baked my first cake, I was pregnant with my third child and it was exactly the day he was born that I had a huge desire to eat a bread baked by myself, and I had never baked anything in my entire life, after the work I went to the supermarket I bought a premix to make banana bread and when I got home I got ready to do it with my mother and my husband. The most surprising thing about all this is that when the bread was ready to come out of the oven the pan broke, my baby was coming and I couldn't even try a little piece, then in March of the same year we entered the pandemic and while I was at home I started looking for apple pie recipes since they had given us many apples and I learned to make pies that way ... I liked doing it so much that later I learned to make Neapolitan and cheese flans, until that moment I had not sold, I only made it for my family.
In November 2021, pregnant with my youngest daughter, more than a year later while I was facing a strong process in my life, the desire to make desserts was born again but this time I wanted to share with the brothers of the church where I congregated and for a meeting they I brought apple pie, cheese flan and tres leches on a tray. Some of the sisters expressed that they loved my desserts and one of them told me "Thanksgiving is coming, you should sell, I would buy from you"... like this that by November 25, 2021, I sold 11 desserts of the only 3 that I had learned to make and all to order, during that time while I was preparing for that sale by doing tests and buying supplies, ideas began to come to my mind for a name and a logo so that those who were buying from me could already identify me with the commercial name. Throughout that process, I discovered that I really liked baking, I saw it as a therapy while I was doing it and also that it was helping me develop patience, a virtue that I did not possess and I needed to learn.

How did I get into the Emprende Baking program? I belong to the LEAF organization and in October 2022, its founder Dinora Olmos reposted a publication of The Power of Being a Woman where she announced this program and I immediately contacted Mrs. Sagrario Ortiz who at that time gave me all the information but I did not have vacancies so I decided to wait and it was not until January of this year that I contacted her again and thank God the door opened and with it the opportunity to make this dream come true, I began to go to each class willing to learn more and being there with With just one birthday cake order I made the decision to register the company and formalize my dream.
I do not doubt at any time that God allows us to meet wonderful people in whom he has placed a heart willing to serve and help others. Sagrario Ortiz is that woman who has taken my hand and has been in charge of making Sweet and Savory Dessert, LLC a registered company today.

The company was registered on March 28 and by April 28 it already had sales every week. For many it was a very hasty decision but I remember very well Sagrario's words on our graduation day "he who doesn't know where he's going... "I'm here." and those words plus the sales recorded confirmed to me that it was the best decision I could have made.

Total thanks!


Baked with Love
Pasteles Personalizados
Mil hojas
Mini cup
Galletas artesanales
Pasteles tropicales
Tres leches
Bunt cake
Volteado de plátano y piña
Budin con pasas envinadas
Pio Quinto

  •  Baked with Love
    Pasteles Personalizados
    Mil hojas
    Mini cup
    Galletas artesanales
    Pasteles tropicales
    Tres leches
    Bunt cake
    Volteado de plátano y piña
    Budin con pasas envinadas
    Pio Quinto
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